Monday, April 19, 2010

Baked Marinated Salmon & Sauteed Garlic Green Beans

This recipe actually belongs to my mother but I added my own twist to it. Ingredients for the marinade include: green onions, white onions, garlic, asian chili powder, black pepper, sesame oil, water, soy sauce, regular white sugar and a tiny bit of pineapple juice. Start off by mixing these in a bowel.

Slice through the salmon so it can absorb the flavor. Pour the marinade over the salmon and store away for a good 24 hours.

When you're ready to eat, place the salmon on foil and bake in the oven. Now, onto the green beans!

Clean the green beans and slice off the ends. Also, mince up fresh garlic as well.

Cook the green beans first in butter (or olive oil). Then add the minced garlic. Sautee until garlic turns golden brown.

Finally, it is complete.

Hubby Rating: 4.25 out of 5