Monday, April 26, 2010

Greek Salad + Rosemary&Garlic Red Potatoes + Vegetarian Stuffed Pepper

Since my heart is dying lately, I thought I'd have a vegetarian dish tonight in effort to bombard my body with mucho antioxidants.

Greek Salad

Every good salad starts with super fresh veggies!

Slice up cucumbers.

Slice up green bell peppers.

A very pretty onion.

Added onion to the mix.

Sliced tomatoes.

Look at all the pretty colors!

And of course, you can't have a greek salad without feta cheese.

Add lemon juice.

FRESH oregano. I really believe that fresh ingredients make a big difference.

Finish seasoning the salad with olive oil, salt and pepper.

Rosemary&Garlic Red Potatoes

Scrub, clean, and dice small red potatoes.

Add freshly minced rosemary and extra virgin olive oil.

Place potatoes evenly on a pan and bake in the oven. Be sure to flip the potatoes every five minutes so that it's evenly cooked.

After cooking potatoes for fifteen minutes, add garlic. (The recipe called for two cloves of garlic. Six just seemed better.)

Don't forget to add olive oil to the garlic so it can be coated onto the potatoes more easily.

Add garlic to the almost cooked potatoes.

Vegetarian Stuffed Pepper

This picture doesn't do justice to how huge these red bell peppers were.

Makeshift steamer.

Diced onions and garlic. (Clearly a staple in everything I cook)

Fresh oregano, basil, and carrots.

Dice tomatoes and crush walnuts. If you don't have a mallet, the back of a knife works too.

Saute the onion and garlic for a good minute or so.

Add oregano, basil, and carrots.

Add some color with the tomatoes.

Add crushed walnuts.

Add tomato sauce and brown cooked rice.

Stuff the red bell peppers with the rice. Add tomato sauce on top.

Close up. With bad focus. Bake in the oven for half an hour and sprinkle mozzarella on top.

Final product!

Hubby Rating: 4.4 stars out of 5
Roommate Ratings: 5 stars out of 5

Friday, April 23, 2010

Bacon Avacado Cheeseburger

This is a combination of all the random ingredients I like in a burger. First, to marinade the meat. Best meat to get is directly from butcher at the grocery store. I like the ground steak. As for the veggies, be sure to mince them very well. I include onions, garlic, mushrooms, cilantro, bread crumbs (or cracker crumbs instead), and an egg. Add seasoning, salt and pepper.

Mix all the ingredients together and store away for 24 hours.

Grill the burgers till they're cooked. Add a slice of pepperjack cheese.

Fry some bacon. Mmm...bacon.

Mmm...avocado and spinach too.

And that's about it!

Hubby rating: 3.75 stars out of 5

Monday, April 19, 2010

Baked Marinated Salmon & Sauteed Garlic Green Beans

This recipe actually belongs to my mother but I added my own twist to it. Ingredients for the marinade include: green onions, white onions, garlic, asian chili powder, black pepper, sesame oil, water, soy sauce, regular white sugar and a tiny bit of pineapple juice. Start off by mixing these in a bowel.

Slice through the salmon so it can absorb the flavor. Pour the marinade over the salmon and store away for a good 24 hours.

When you're ready to eat, place the salmon on foil and bake in the oven. Now, onto the green beans!

Clean the green beans and slice off the ends. Also, mince up fresh garlic as well.

Cook the green beans first in butter (or olive oil). Then add the minced garlic. Sautee until garlic turns golden brown.

Finally, it is complete.

Hubby Rating: 4.25 out of 5